I found this article in the NYT to be of interest. Clearly, you will not find it at all compelling. :)
Professors’ Liberalism Contagious? Maybe Not
"Kafka's stories and novels have provoked a wealth of interpretations. [Max] Brod and Kafka's foremost English translators, Willa and Edwin Muir, viewed the novels as allegories of divine grace. Existentialists have seen Kafka's environment of guilt and despair as the ground upon which to construct an authentic existence. Some have seen his neurotic involvement with his father as the heart of his work; others have emphasized the social criticism, the inhumanity of the powerful and their agents, the violence and barbarity that lurk beneath normal routine. Some have found an imaginative anticipation of totalitarianism in the random and faceless bureaucratic terror of The Trial. The Surrealists delighted in the persistent intrusions of the absurd. There is evidence in both the works and the diaries for each of these interpretations, but Kafka's work as a whole transcends them all. One critic may have put it most accurately when he wrote of the works as "open parables" whose final meanings can never be rounded off"
"Kafka, Franz" Encyclopædia Britannica Online.
[Accessed 13 September 2000].
Copyright © 1994-2000 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
I gently asked the physician if she could put the chart down and look at me. After she did so, I explained much to her surprise that I was a transgender woman and that a pap smear wasn’t necessary. She laughed, and I did as well, since I had assumed that I rarely pass. The lesson is one we all can learn. Sometimes we pass and sometimes we don’t.
- Gianna E. Israel
The protagonists’ tortuous path traces a series of adventures that, by accident or providential design, test the steadfastness of their love and religious faith, which are inseparable in La española inglesa. Fate, challenges, and remarkable coincidences —staples of romance fiction— saturate the plot of the tale. (57-8)
A couple of you asked me what is it that I am presenting here at Duke University today. Fair question! Here is the abstract of the paper I am delivering later today. I have also added a couple of visuals so that you can better understand what I am proposing.
The Dream of Olmedo: Trophies of Vanity in Lope, Pereda and Camprobín
Harry Vélez-Quiñones
«La Muerte es como una vieja cortesana que anduviera por cruces y caminos a la búsqueda de obligados compañeros de viaje…»
Memento mori
POSTMODERNISM: Label given to Cultural forms since the 1960s that display the following qualities:
- Nation: Post modernism examines the construction of nations/nationality and questions such constructions
- Gender: Post modernism reassesses gender, the construction of gender, and the role of gender in cultural formations
- Race: Post modernism questions and reassesses constructs of race
- Sexuality: Post modernism questions and reassesses constructs of sexuality
"Critical reaction to The Picture of Dorian Gray was generally unfavourable: while the anonymous reviewer in The Christian Leader claimed that Wilde had “performed a service to his age” by painting “the tragic picture of Dorian Gray’s life” (Stuart Mason, Oscar Wilde: Art and Morality, p. 21), unsigned reviews in other publications, including the Daily Chronicle, St. James’s Gazette and Scots Observer, denounced the work as corrupt, poisonous, leprous, and [a medico-legal fiction] suited only for “[outlawed noblemen and] perverted telegraph boys” (Karl Beckson (ed.), Oscar Wilde: The Critical Heritage, pp. 71-75). Wilde wrote numerous letters to the press, pointing out the artistic merits of his work and defending it against ethical criticisms. He went so far as to claim that the only error in the book was that it contained a moral: “And the moral is this. All excess, as well as all renunciation, brings its own punishment” (The Complete Letters of Oscar Wilde, p. 430)." NOTEFor the 1891 edition of the novel as a book Wilde made a number of changes that responded to the criticism leveled against the book. Chaptes III, V, XVI, XVII, XVIII and portions of chapters XIX and XX were added. Also, the very odd preface that the novel now has was added then. He also edited selected sentences and fragments elsewhere.
¿Qué son los estudios culturales [Cultural Studies]?
¿Qué papel juegan en su desarrollo Roland Barthes y Raymond Williams?
¿Qué es interpelación?
¿Qué relación hay entre los estudios culturales y la teoría literaria?
¿Qué relación entre los estudios culturales y los estudios literarios?
¿Qué papel juega Ferdinand de Saussure en el desarrollo de la teoría literaria?
¿Qué quiere decir que el lenguaje no es una nomenclatura [i.e. Lista de nombres de personas o cosas]?
¿Qué concepto clave aporta Noam Chomsky que permite teorizar sobre el papel que juegan los lectores ante un texto?
¿A qué se dedica la poética y a qué se dedica la hermenéutica?
¿Qué se entiende por Reader’s Response Theory?
¿Qué es y cómo se explica la falacia de la intencionalidad?
p. 67 – Explica la siguiente afirmación: “Meaning is context-bound, but context is boundless”.
ESPAÑOL 301 Como les prometí el otro día, esto es lo que me interesa destacar del capítulo 2
p.27 ¿Qué vino primero: el huevo, la gallina, la apariencia de literaridad [lenguaje descontextualizado] o la designación de un texto como literario [lenguaje que constituye su propio contexto]?
p.27-34 Cinco maneras de concebir la literatura
p.35-41 ¿Para qué sirve la literatura? ¿Cuáles son sus funciones?
The Critic
I cannot possibly think of you
other than you are: the assassin
of my orchards. You lurk there
in the shadows, meting out
conversations like Eve's first
confusion between penises and
snakes. Oh be droll, be jolly
and be temperate! Do not
frighten me more than youWe will not be able to please Mr. O'Hara all the time and indeed we will probably take pleasure in giving him more than a few scares. Still, no one can say we did not stop for a moment to consider what his poem advised.
have to! I must live forever.
The War on Terror is widely represented as a conflict between regimes tasked with achieving security for human life against an enemy dedicated to the destruction of the social and political conditions necessary for the flourishing of human life. Not simply an enemy that is motivated against the interests of common humanity, but an enemy which in being so driven, is ready to resort to subhuman tactics, and which therefore requires,paradoxically, a less than human response in defence of the integrity of human life. Hence the declaration by liberal regimes and the mobilisation of their societies for a war of fundamentally illiberal proportions and dimensions. A war deemed to require the permanent mobilisation of entire societies against an enemy said to threaten their security from within. A war against an enemy which like a parasite living off its human host, breeds in the most vulnerable areas of liberal societies, waiting for the moment to release a pathological violence upon its otherwise oblivious prey. A war which requires the development of new and evermore intensive techniques with which to monitor the movements and dispositions of the life of liberal societies themselves because it is there that the enemy festers and will emerge to such devastating effect.La constante repetición del término "war on terror" por políticos, medios de comunicación, autoridades religiosas, radio, televisión, escuelas, etc. ha conseguido crear una nueva categoría a través de la cual el poder consigue ejercer su dominio sobre todos. Este es un ejemplo de cómo la teoría sirve para entender fenómenos no solamente literarios sino políticos. Las tesis de Foucault sobre la sexualidad serán super útiles en nuestro acercamiento a la novela de Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray.
FL200 & ESPAÑOL 301
It occurs to me that this brief outline of the major "schools" or "movements" in literary theory and criticism could come in very handy. ENJOY!
Literary Theory and Criticism
Schools of Interpretation
Literary Terms and Theories